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Salt & Pepper Pork Sausage

Salt & Pepper Pork Sausage

Salt & Pepper Pork Sausage

Sourced locally from Lancaster, PA. Pasture-Raised.

Our Salt & Pepper pork sausage is made with the finest local pork and seasoned with Vinegar, Salt, & Black Pepper. This classic meat can be pan-seared or grilled for a crowd-pleasing dish! Our pork comes from heritage breed hogs. As always, our animals are fully pastured with absolutely no added hormones, antibiotics, or GMOs!


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Lancaster Farm Fresh Co-op

Sourced locally from Lancaster, PA. Pasture-Raised.


Our Salt & Pepper pork sausage is made with the finest local pork and seasoned with Vinegar, Salt, & Black Pepper. This classic meat can be pan-seared or grilled for a crowd-pleasing dish! Our pork comes from heritage breed hogs. As always, our animals are fully pastured with absolutely no added hormones, antibiotics, or GMOs!


Pork, Vinegar, Salt, & Black Pepper.

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