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Noveau Ink Swedish Dish Cloth

Noveau Ink Swedish Dish Cloth

Noveau Ink Swedish Dish Cloth

Add a touch of Scandinavian efficiency to your kitchen with our Noveau Ink Swedish Dish Cloth.

This Swedish dish cloth stands as the eco-friendly Nordic dish sponge cloth, outperforming traditional sponges in dish cleaning, all while being crafted from renewable, biodegradable materials. With an impressive absorption capacity, these hybrid wonders soak up 15 times their weight in water, offering a sustainable alternative. By replacing over 10 rolls of disposable paper towels, Swedish dish cloth not only proves to be a significant saver but also contributes to reducing carbon emissions associated with tree-cutting for disposable paper products.


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No Tox Life

Add a touch of Scandinavian efficiency to your kitchen with our Noveau Ink Swedish Dish Cloth.


This Swedish dish cloth stands as the eco-friendly Nordic dish sponge cloth, outperforming traditional sponges in dish cleaning, all while being crafted from renewable, biodegradable materials. With an impressive absorption capacity, these hybrid wonders soak up 15 times their weight in water, offering a sustainable alternative. By replacing over 10 rolls of disposable paper towels, Swedish dish cloth not only proves to be a significant saver but also contributes to reducing carbon emissions associated with tree-cutting for disposable paper products.


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